Tour Chaperone Application

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Chaperone Information
If your chorister is on financial assistance, please contact [email protected] before filling out this form. Thank you for your interest in being a chaperone. All tour chaperones must volunteer as a key parent and backstage performance chaperone at least 3 times per semester. It is important that tour chaperones get to know our students and staff and our choir procedures.
If you selected 'Other' above in Chaperone Dietary Restrictions, please explain here.
Tour Questions
You will be assigned a group of students that you will be responsible for during the entire tour dates which may not include your own chorister(s). Tour itinerary includes a lot of walking and sightseeing. Please make sure you have the ability and desire to participate in all activities prior to agreeing to chaperone. Chaperones must attend a training session immediately prior to tour. All chaperones must make all tour travel arrangements and payments through PCC.
Background Information
Thank you for volunteering to be a PCC tour chaperone! All chaperones must pass a background check or provide a copy of their AZDPS Card. Instructions for the background check can be found in the Volunteers folder in the Documents section of Choir Genius and must be completed ASAP if you have not processed one this year.
For example: key parenting, backstage key parent, camp chaperone/work crew member, prior tour chaperone, etc.
How would you handle the following situations that may arise with your group of choristers while on tour?
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
If you have not gone to an appointment to apply for or get your passport renewed, you may be uneligible to chaperone this tour as the timeline for obtaining an appointment has passed. Reach out asap to [email protected] for options.